At OutStandINN Management, we take a collaborative approach to project development, involving all stakeholders from suppliers to end consumers to ensure a cost-effective and professional execution. Our multi-stage, iterative process includes detailed specification of plant configuration, partnering, financing, and all other key elements in each iteration, resulting in a successful project outcome.


Developing an idea into a concrete project requires a thorough analysis of all potential influencing factors. At OutStandINN, we dedicate time evaluating and preparing, supporting our Partners in the crucial decision-making and project development phases.


We know that not all good ideas are good business, and we know when to say no. During the project development phase, we carefully evaluate all possible influencing factors and provide trustworthy advice to our Partners. If it becomes clear that an idea or project cannot be supported by an adequate business model, we will not hesitate to advise against further development. Our goal is to protect our Partner’s interests and needs, not just their expectations.


At OutstandINN, we offer comprehensive feasibility studies for your project, assessing technical feasibility, developing detailed CAPEX and OPEX estimates, calculating key profitability indicators. If the feasibility study reveals that the project may not be viable within your specified requirements, we can suggest alternative concepts or discuss changes to project requirements that could increase its profitability.